Bairns 1 Piste Bashers

Kids should be able to ski green and easy blue runs and becoming less reliant on the plough for control of speed and direction. At this FUNdemental level, we will be looking to match skis parallel earlier and earlier in the turn. We would also expect children to be able to use most uplift without help, with the exception of faster Poma lifts such as the M1 and West Wall Poma on Cairngorm Mountain. The coaching ethos is about developing all mountain skills in a fun and relaxed environment and although we do not specifically focus on race training at this stage, we do encourage trainees to take part in fun (and usually local) competitions.
Bairns 2 Ciste Rippers
Kids are excited about skiing all blue and some red runs and will be turning both skis at the same time and experimenting with varying the shape of the turn. We will encourage them to focus on improving body management and developing the steering elements throughout the turn. Although we will still be focusing on an all mountain approach to develop technique, we will be setting a few kombi courses to build confidence and skill in gates. Trainees are not required to but are encouraged to take part in appropriate competition.
Bairns 3 Snowdrifters
Snowdrifters will be able to ski the whole mountain with confidence. They are making consistently sweet turns with a (sometimes) well-coordinated pole plant. At this level we will look into developing area of performance that will give a better ride, such as carving, variable snow conditions or speed. Now we have a good freeride technique, we will be using gates more regularly at this level to develop a greater understanding of speed and line.
U14/U16 Alpine Race
More to come from Dave

Pro-Ski Age 12 and over
Snow addicts should possess the core FUNdemental skills of steering and good body management before we teach them the basics of all freestyle snowsports disciplines – park, pipe, and freeride.